Honestly… I haven’t been to C’est what? in 20-years. This was a ‘go to’ place down town when I lived ‘down town-ish,’ but with two decades living in Toronto’s outer suburbs…well, I don’t get to Front Street as often any more. Yesterday, that changed. Heading after work to the Sony Centre with friends for a concert, meant a quick nosh was necessary. We all admitted we had a past romance with C’est what? and decided to renew our acquaintance. Good call! We had attentive, but not over-bearing service (aware we were on a tight time line), and we were impressed with the beer options – tons and tons of terrific beers from near and far. We thoroughly enjoyed the boneless goat stew (hot, but in a good way), the Barney Rubble-esque barbecued ribs and the juicy and perfectly grilled lamb burger (with great sweet potato chips). We were out in plenty of time for our concert and felt happy and contented as we went on our way. We will be back much sooner… 20-years is too long to go without a visit to an old friend!